Archive for January 2006


Democrats really are sexy beasts

From a link to an article about Noam Chomsky found on the home page of my friend Tucker’s website, there was an advertisement for a Democrat dating website called Act for Love. With the moto of “activist? leftist? take action, get action!,” who wouldn’t want to become a Dem just to take advantage of such a great website?!?!

Website update…

I finally hunkered down and purchased a 2-year membership to Flickr. I think I’m going to be transitioning from my current gallery setup to using my Flickr account for hosting my images in the near future so that I can have an all-in-one place to maintain my photos as well as so that I can have more room on my server for other projects that are in the works (watch for hits of them in the coming months).

Clerks 2 trailer!!!

This movie has been in the works for quite some time and should be out later this year. Kevin Smith released the teaser a few weeks back, but it just caught my attention today via

To view the release notes and watch the trailor, go here —>

Dual-boot Windows 2000 and Fedora Core 4 Machine

I’ve got a new pet project that I’ve been meaning to try since moving out here. It was to use my second desktop machine (which was sitting in my closet) as a Win2K and Linux computer to allow me to play with another pet project that I will be starting up soon. I was greatly surprised when I found out how easy it was to actually accomplish this task in the when I was all finished setting it up.

Here is what I did to get it working:

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It’s been a while…

Sorry for taking so long to update… It’s been crazy for the last two months.

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