One years old already!
Yesterday, our kittens Sophie and Miles turned one!! We adopted them when they were 9 weeks old, so we approximated the date a touch, but are prety sure it was one year ago yesterday the little scamps were born. They’ve been such a joy to have around and have, since day one, been the most affectionate and loving little guys I could have asked for.
In honor of their birthday, we, naturally, spoiled them rotten; Lauren let them have milk (Sophie tried it, but Miles didn’t even attempt to give it a shot), we bought them a jungle-gym thingy (pictures to come), two new bouncy toys since they destroyed both of the last ones, and moved them up to adult food (which they both liked without any issues, interestingly).
I’ll post some updated pictures soon (the batteries in my camera died, so I couldn’t take any pictures until they were charged up again).