Protected Bike Lanes: Tucson Needs Some

With gas prices reaching $4 a gallon and filling the tank costing me ~$42 weekly now, I’ve been thinking of how to lower my costs and still be able to get to work to make money. I would certainly consider riding my bike to work, regardless of the 18 mile distance, but the lack of protection for riders on most streets through Tucson makes it quite hard to justify. I’ve met too many people who’ve been hit or know someone that’s been hit here to feel comfortable regularly riding the city streets.

Tucson does have plans to add “bike lanes” (read: widen existing roads to have a larger shoulder area) to many roads throughout the city, but the drivers here don’t respect the lanes and will often drive in them for long distances to illegally avoid traffic or make turns. Drivers here also have the bad habit of not looking out for riders that are in the lane and will cut them off and stop in front of them almost daily. On many main streets, city buses are allowed to drive the lanes as well, which null-and-voids the intent of a bike lane in the first place. Another boondoggle that I’ve witnessed is that, though the city intends to build many miles of new lanes, there have been very few actually put in since I moved here almost three years ago.

I’ve frequently though that Tucson could benefit from protected bike lanes and, with any luck, this experiment in NYC may make other cities play copy cat. I’d bet adding protected bike lanes through the city for bikers would, on top of enabling people to bike throughout the city, also cut down on car traffic.

For more information about Tucson’s bike programs, check out the TDOT’s website. There is lots of useful information about biking there, including maps and Tucson-specific biking laws.

[Washington Post Article found via Bike Hugger]

Spray Suntan Lotion

With the SPF numbers getting higher and higher each season (we bought some spray-on SPF 70+ today… who’s ever heard of a number so high?), how long will it be until we see Krylon start making spray-on sun protection?

I can see it now: SPF 1000+ spray-on sun protection, UVA/B/C and all future UV frequencies discovered are protected against without reformulating, prevents rust, comes in almost every color that their paint lines comes in (so that you can better match your outfit), prevents dings and dents with a hardened protective layer, and doesn’t come off while swimming and showering (in fact, you’d have to use turpentine to take it off). It would sell like hot-cakes… maybe…

Computer Woes

So, a few weeks back, my desktop computer decided to stop booting. It was quite frustrating (as any computer geek without their computer can tell you).

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Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time>1months TTL=128

It may take me a while to respond/post/email/etc… (email or phone are the fastest forms of communication for me right now), but I’m still alive. I’ve managed to not quite drop off the face of the Internet, with the occasional Bloglines spree or Amazon window shopping trip. Recently, I’ve been busy with work and getting stuff done for my wedding. C programs, FPGA designs, VHDL, guest lists, and invitation wordings are my life. Only another two more months to go and at least the wedding stuff will be done! If only I could say the same about work… only 44 years to go… woohoo!!!

The other big news around the homestead is that Lauren’s graduating from the University of Arizona in a few weeks! She’s kicked butt for the last 3 years working towards her Masters Degree and will, soon, be coming out to join me in the “real world” of work. She’s been counting down the days until she’s done and has almost nothing to do; she’s worked so hard that it’s about time she lets herself take a break.

I’ve got a few new hobby things going on as well, but not enough time to do them as I want. I bought a souped-up RC truck from a coworker of mine and have been terrorizing the rocks outside of my apartment and my buddy AJ’s backyard (sorry about almost causing a mini dust storm while doing donuts). I’m, eventually, going to design a GPS and performance tracking system for the truck to track speed, distance, acceleration, plot it’s course on Google Earth, measure current draw by the motor, tire rotation speeds, motor rotation speeds, battery voltage, etc… Ah, the dream of having enough time to do hobby projects.


My ideal smartphone

MUST have:

  • Bluetooth headset and data transmission (capability to share wireless internet and files with a computer).
  • Both WiFi and the phone network’s data transmission hardware.
  • Sync all contacts within the phone with any email client, with any web-mail client, and with any Palm or Windows Mobile device.
  • Sync all calendar information with any calender application or web calendar.
  • Easy to use interface (multi-touch or not).
  • Mobile internet browser that doesn’t suck (Firefox would be nice).
  • Free and open api to allow users to install and develop whatever applications they want for the phone.
  • Ability to play MP3 and AAC music files and turn any music file into a ringtone for the phone at no cost.

Not necessary, but nice:

  • Decent resolution camera built in.
  • Usable GPS receiver (so that Google maps mobile will work accurately).
  • Not cost an arm and a leg.
  • The ability to stream music from a webcaster.

MUST NOT have:

  • Restrictions on or fees for the software I can use or install.
  • A lock on which carriers I am able to use to own the phone.

Those are just a few ideas of what I’m looking for. Thus far, the closest production unit that meets the most of my requirements is the iPhone. However, the iPhone doesn’t compare to the promise and openness that the Google Android OS phones that are planned to be released next year will provide. The only downside to the Android is the fact that the shipped applications are written in JAVA… *shutter* … but the sins of the developers can be overlooked provided the promised functionality and extensibility are realized (and it doesn’t hurt that the OS is LINUX based and other applications can be produced in C/C++).