Beyond Compare

After reading about it for years [CodingHorror] and using it as my exclusive merge/diff/file-verification tool at work for the last year, I finally caved in and purchased the magnificent piece of Windows (and Linux too if you would prefer) software called ‘Beyond Compare’ for my personal computer. Greatest $30 software development tool investment ever spent!

For those not in the know, this tool does file comparisons, directory diffing, merging of whole files or lines within files, copying of files between different directories, image comparisons with an XORed image to visual show pixel differences between images, it slices, it dices, and it takes away the hard water buildup in sinks (not really). See the developer’s (Scooter Software) website for all features and capabilities.

If this interested you, check out the 30-day trial to see if you like the tool for yourself.

Don’t Vote….

Great movie. Great message. Go register to vote. Find out more about the candidates (Obama or McCain) and take a stance.

Interesting new British TV Show: ‘No Heroics’

It looks like it’s Heroes meets Coupling and The Office… and it looks like it’s could be a contender for my potential favorite British comedy show (I’ll have to see the actual show first to pass judgement). The show focuses on a group of friends living in a city where everyone is a super hero.

Here’s a link the website for the show.

[via Wired]

One reason why it would be scary to have McCain/Palin as the leaders of the US…

She’s a total idiot and doesn’t answer simple questions while rambling on without any clear understanding of what she speaks about. And to think, if McCain were to have health issues, she’d be the one to take over the country! What I worry about is that she didn’t graduate with a law degree, a political science degree, or an international relations degree to give her a proper background in world politics.

Other interesting videos:
The entire Palin interview
Couric On Palin
McCain lies to Letterman about why he couldn’t be on the show
Palin wanted to ban books when she was mayor

[thanks to AJ for forwarding me the first video and pointing out the others to me last night]

New Canon EOS 5D MKII HD Camcorder

Canon just released a teaser movie using their new EOS 5D MKII camera to show how amazing it will be for video and pictures.

The director photographer Vincent Laforet also released a “Behind The Scenes Video” that shows some of how the main video was made.

It looks amazing! Too bad it’s a pro series camera; it’ll be WAY out of my price range when it comes out.

[found via Allen Rockwell’s Photography Blog]