Archive for the Category Internet


Updated website

I just moved from MovableType to WordPress… mostly due to the great plugins that it has and the integration with my flickr accont that it allows. Go to view my flickr pictures on my new site.

Also, look for more customization of the site in the days to come as I learn more about WordPress and what it can do for me.

Democrats really are sexy beasts

From a link to an article about Noam Chomsky found on the home page of my friend Tucker’s website, there was an advertisement for a Democrat dating website called Act for Love. With the moto of “activist? leftist? take action, get action!,” who wouldn’t want to become a Dem just to take advantage of such a great website?!?!

Website update…

I finally hunkered down and purchased a 2-year membership to Flickr. I think I’m going to be transitioning from my current gallery setup to using my Flickr account for hosting my images in the near future so that I can have an all-in-one place to maintain my photos as well as so that I can have more room on my server for other projects that are in the works (watch for hits of them in the coming months).