Lauren and I decided at about 11pm last night to get up early and try to make it out to Sabino Canyon for an early-morning short hike near the enterance to the park. We woke up at 5am, drove out to the canyon, and were off walking by 5:30am. Sunrise was slated to be 5:39am this morning and it was already getting light out when we got there.
Since this was our first time at the canyon and we knew we wanted to expore it a touch, I stayed up a bit last night to find trails and geocaches that would allow us to have a quick 2 mile hike. There were two very close to the enterance with small trails leading to them, so I figured it would be the perfect way to go. The trails were relativel easy, the views were magnificent, and we enjoyed the morning chill. We are, also, both looking forward to going back to explore more of the canyon and it’s neighbor Bear Canyon.
Click here to see pictures from the hike.

I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help the aliteration in the title!!