Archive for April 2006


Why I want a mac…

Here’s a list of reasons why my next computer will be an intel-based macbook or ibook (whatever they will call them when they come out).

  • OSX Unix-base operating system
  • Two words … boot camp
  • As of now, no major threat viruses
  • As of now, no major spyware threats
  • Typically*, they just work
  • Did I mention Unix?
  • * All software has it’s quirks; Apple has a better and more stable OS in my opinion and has fewer issues (read BSOD) than PCs do.

    Google Maps Integration

    I’ve finished the preliminary integration of google maps into my site to maintain a list of geocaches I’ve found and links from them to the webpage associated with the caches. I’m still tweaking it a touch and making sure I can legally use the icons, but should be up and running before long. Next step is to fix the issue with the text boxes that I’m having and I’ll really be ready to roll. To see the work in progress, click on my page titled GeoCaches Found. I’ve also added a Google maps page for things to do around Tucson for when people visit us out here. For that map, click on the Tucson Sights page.

    Happy April Fools Day!

    It’s April 1st and many internet websites are at it yet again with their April Fools Day layouts and jokes. Google has put out at least two (all that I’ve seen as of now) jokes this year and Slashdot has changed it’s layout to a rather aweful pink!

    The first being their new website called Google Romance. You can check it out for yourself at THIS SITE. They’ve taken the idea of finding your soulmate via internet search to a whole new level. Read the page, it’s quite funny. The second is a Google Earth modification where they’ve layered a UFO image on top of that of a military base making it look like there are visitors from another planet there. Check out THIS SITE to get the Google Earth .kmz file to view the site.

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