Archive for July 2006


Bike GPS


Originally uploaded by GeoffKerr.

So, the stock GPS mount for my Garmin Etrex Legend only fits handle bars up to 1 inch; my bars are about 1.5 inches. Sounds like a good excuse to do a quick DIY project trying to figure out a way to fix the problem.

Not wanting to give up and take the mount back to the store, I decided to take matters into my own hands and build a mount for the GPS out of a round 3/4 inch dowel, a square 3/4 inch dowel, some rubber, a pull tie, and some creativity.

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Two new project ideas

Well, I havn’t had much time to actually work on projects of my own other than dream them up and work on some of the preliminary designs, but that doesn’t stop me from dream up more projects to work on.

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On this day 1 year ago…

Lauren and I officially arrived in Tucson one year ago today!!! It’s amazing that it’s been so long since we moved here.

We entered the state a year ago yesterday and stayed up in Flagstaff for the night before the final leg of our moved down to Tucson. Before moving into our apartment on Aug. 1st of last year, we stayed with her uncle for a few days and have called Tucson home ever since!

Lots of things have changed since moving here; most notably, we are now engaged. We have made some amazing friends along the way and have both gotten into our own little worlds of work and school.

Though we were both unsure of the move here, it’s been quite nice to live in the South West and to get to see parts of the country that we had never experienced before. Our adventure here is far from over and we look forward to more years of fun and excitement touring the South West.

One year ago yesterday, we arived in AZ



Originally uploaded by GeoffKerr.

Flickr was down today and, instead of the normal photos that it was displaying, this was what was visable on the home page. What a great sense of humor the staff there has. It’s a direct digg at the situation described in my previous post; Senator Ted Stevens gave a very uninformed speach about Net Neutrality and described the internet as “Tubes” that get clogged.

Net Neutrality: One Senator takes a stand for the people

Which people, the public or the Telcos/Cablecos, is still not fully known after reading the partial transcript and listening to the speech (mp3 linked at the bottom of the article) that Senator Ted Stevens gave to the Senate not too long ago on the topic of Net Neutrality. The amazing understanding and clarity of speech that you would expect from an elected official that is supposed to be an expert on the subject matter being talked about, were… surprisingly … not present, along with anything that sounded like research on the subject.

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