Archive for 2007


Multiple Firefox Profiles

This is a quick tip that allows multiple configurations of Firefox on the same user account within Windows or LINUX.

  • First, close all Firefox program instances.
  • Next, from the command line run “firefox -ProfileManager
  • Create a new profile
  • Create a new copy of your Firefox shortcut
  • Modify the shortcuts to run “firefox -P <profilename>

This same trick will also work for Debian IceWeasel or GNU IceCat, the two 100% free variants of Firefox.

How to fix Debian “Etch” network problems

Out of the box, the 4.0 “Etch” release comes with IPv.6 enabled. This causes lots of issues with connecting to the internet and updating/installing packages. The solution for this problem is as follows:

Open the file /etc/modprobe.d/aliases:

Change the following line from:

alias net-pf-10 ipv6


alias net-pf-10 off

Reboot and enjoy your new-found ability to connect to the internet.

[summarized from Google’s linux.debian.user Group]

Great Bumper Sticker

I saw this on the way home tonight…

OK, joke’s over.
Bring back our Constitution.

Copyright food for thought

This video is a rather long, but it takes an interesting point of view on the current copyright situation in the music industry.
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What the hell is wrong here?

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