Any good SVN Clients for Apple Computers?

I’m looking for a subversion client (I don’t really need a full-blown server/client bundle on the new laptop) for some development, does anyone know of a good one? Are they all pay-for?



2 Responses to “Any good SVN Clients for Apple Computers?”

  1. Gravatar of Geoff Kerr Geoff Kerr
    29. November 2008 at 08:12

    Face just emailed me and told me that /user/bin/svn exists! Shows how much I know about Apple computers. Thanks again for the tip Face!

  2. Gravatar of ErinLance ErinLance
    29. November 2008 at 10:13

    I use SVN mostly from the command line, but I also like svnX ( for most visual GUI needs.

    See also this article posted recently for more reviews:
