Any good SVN Clients for Apple Computers?

I’m looking for a subversion client (I don’t really need a full-blown server/client bundle on the new laptop) for some development, does anyone know of a good one? Are they all pay-for?

Sexy ass computer

As I type this, I’m using my brand new MacBook. I finally took the plunge into becoming a Mac fanboy. Lauren and I decided to do our civic duty and help the economy by buying a new computer. We’ve been saving up for a while now and finally decided to take the plunge with the latest aluminum and glass incarnation. I have to say that it’s one sexy piece of brushed metal covered silicon!

Google 2008 Election Tracker

[gadget first seen on Sam’s Blog]

Gas Price Trends Pre-Election

As I had observed a few years ago, gas prices tend to drop dramatically just prior to an election and will go up afterward.

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Code Katas With An Embedded Software Twist

There’s been talk about Code Katas for quite some time now. The lore on the internet states that the idea of a code kata, or practice exercises that a programmer can go through to hone their skills, was created within the book “The Pragmatic Programmer” by coauthor Dave Thomas (interestingly, he keeps a rather cool blog with various katas listed to help programmers). Katas are great ideas for application coders, so I figured they’d be great for embedded coders as well; as they say, practice makes perfect.

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