The Dark Knight and Batmanuel
Did anyone notice that Banmanuel (Nestor Carbonell’s character on The Tick) was the mayor in the recent ‘Batman: The Dark Knight’ movie? Coincidence, I think not.
My digital home on the internet.
Did anyone notice that Banmanuel (Nestor Carbonell’s character on The Tick) was the mayor in the recent ‘Batman: The Dark Knight’ movie? Coincidence, I think not.
As many people already know, Lauren and I were married this past July 4th. It was quite an amazing experience that I will cherish and remember for the rest of my life! I fully intend to put pictures up and write more about it soon, but have had little time recently to organize everything and write a good, long blog post about it. It’s coming… I’ll not forget to fill everyone who couldn’t be there in on the festivities… it’ll just have to wait a few more days.
After being greatly disappointed that every store in Tucson and all of the reputable online stores were sold out of Wii’s all last week, Lauren and I tried one last-ditch effort to find one this past weekend. We were quite lucky that, on Saturday evening, one of the clerks at Target tipped us off that they “may” be getting around 10 in that night for release on Sunday and that we should check the adds in the paper to be sure.
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So, after playing with our friend Jenny’s Mom’s Wii the other day, Lauren and I decided that we wanted to buy one. Unfortunately, every single store that sells them in Tucson and on the web are currently sold out. Though it was released close to two years ago, these suckers are still quite hard to find. Who’d have thunk?
I guess Lauren and I will have to wait to see who’s really better at boxing for a little while longer (she wiped the floor with me last time we played).
After a few weeks of looking at houses online and in person, I’ve put my house hunt on hold. A number of factors are at work in this decision, including delusional pricing by home sellers and not having 20% to put down to save myself from exorbitant insurance rates. We’ll pick up again after having another year of saving and see where we are at with everything. Hopefully the housing market will be significantly more sane by then.