Archive for the Category Internet


Altoids Tin Survival Kit

Found via, the survival kit (featured on is packed with necesities and looks like a great thing to have when roaming around in the woods and even the desert. Seeing as how I don’t eat fish (though I may be forced to do so if I were left alone in the woods for a while) and Arizona isn’t exactly the state with the most running water, I’m thinking the fishing gear could probably be left out in favor of more snare wire to create rabbit traps, but that’s just me thinking of ways to modify the kit for a special circumstance. The kit looks like a great start to being prepared when out in the wilderness doing any outside activities.

Hey Ya…

Check out this kick ass acoustic cover of the Outkast favorite “Hey ya” by an Arizona singer named Mat Weddle from the band Obadiah Parker.



Originally uploaded by GeoffKerr.

Flickr was down today and, instead of the normal photos that it was displaying, this was what was visable on the home page. What a great sense of humor the staff there has. It’s a direct digg at the situation described in my previous post; Senator Ted Stevens gave a very uninformed speach about Net Neutrality and described the internet as “Tubes” that get clogged.

Net Neutrality: One Senator takes a stand for the people

Which people, the public or the Telcos/Cablecos, is still not fully known after reading the partial transcript and listening to the speech (mp3 linked at the bottom of the article) that Senator Ted Stevens gave to the Senate not too long ago on the topic of Net Neutrality. The amazing understanding and clarity of speech that you would expect from an elected official that is supposed to be an expert on the subject matter being talked about, were… surprisingly … not present, along with anything that sounded like research on the subject.

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Happy April Fools Day!

It’s April 1st and many internet websites are at it yet again with their April Fools Day layouts and jokes. Google has put out at least two (all that I’ve seen as of now) jokes this year and Slashdot has changed it’s layout to a rather aweful pink!

The first being their new website called Google Romance. You can check it out for yourself at THIS SITE. They’ve taken the idea of finding your soulmate via internet search to a whole new level. Read the page, it’s quite funny. The second is a Google Earth modification where they’ve layered a UFO image on top of that of a military base making it look like there are visitors from another planet there. Check out THIS SITE to get the Google Earth .kmz file to view the site.

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