
My name is Geoffrey Kerr and I created this web site to be a combination working resume, project tracker, photo gallery, web log, and personal web space on the Internet.
A brief introduction to myself: I have a Masters of Science degree in Computer Engineering and work for a large engineering company in Tucson, AZ. Being a Comp. E., I’m extremely interested in computers, the hardware that is behind them, and the software that ties the computer systems together. My focus, as an engineer, is embedded systems; the design of hardware and software to perform specified tasks. Aside from computers, I’m interested in music, movies, good books, and modern technology.
This web site is an opened window into my life. The articles I write are a peek into my thoughts and what interests me. Enjoy your visit and come back as often as you like.
I also run a photography-related website located at www.geoffkerrphotography.com.