There will be a full Lunar Eclipse tonight

According to NASA, there will be a Lunar Eclipse tonight that is going to be visible from almost all populated land on the Earth. Check out the article on for more information and check back later for pictures (I’ll have my camera with me all day!).

Until I have photos from the eclipse tonight, enjoy some pictures of the full moon from last night.

[via slashdot]

No eclipse for you, one year!… well, not quite according to a few sites I’ve found on the internet. According to one site that belongs to the military (Astronomical Applications?), the next lunar eclipse will be in late August. The data sheet that the site has on the eclipse seems to point to Tucson being in a VERY good position to view the event (though at 3 in the morning roughly). Another site with a much broader amount of data on future eclipses is Hermit Eclipse; that site has predicted dates for eclipses as far in advance as 2020. NASA’s lunar eclipse page is also quite interesting and informative and even predicts eclipses out to 2100AD!

Since Tucson wasn’t in the path of some good lunar eclipse views, enjoy these pictures from Flickr of people who were much more fortunate to be able to take eclipse pictures.



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