Archive for the Category Wedding


Pictures from Our Wedding Day: July 4th, 2008

Lots of pictures online from our wedding! For those of you who are not Flickr users, you can see most of my pictures here. Flickr users, click on the pictures below; if you don’t have me as a friend, add me and I’ll add you! Enjoy!

Our Wedding: Updates are on their way…

As many people already know, Lauren and I were married this past July 4th. It was quite an amazing experience that I will cherish and remember for the rest of my life! I fully intend to put pictures up and write more about it soon, but have had little time recently to organize everything and write a good, long blog post about it. It’s coming… I’ll not forget to fill everyone who couldn’t be there in on the festivities… it’ll just have to wait a few more days.