Buttons are fun…

I was searching the web for stock-piles of pre-made buttons, or templates for them, to use for links and buttons on my site and finally came up with a solution that works even better than pre-made ones that could potentially be copywritten: I created my own based off of a web site here: http://www.kalsey.com/tools/buttonmaker/.

Enter the text you want, colors you want, layout you want, press submit, and recieve your nice new button in .png format. I created a bunch of images that way for buttons for the quicklinks down at the bottom of the page and for another project that I’ve been working on: making category icons for each post.

Using the topicon 1.2.1 plugin for Movable Type (found by clicking on the Movable Type icon at the bottom of my blog and then going to their plugins section), I added buttons to each page based on the category of the blog entry. I’m using simple buttons for now, but may move to my old icons from my last web site to this one to use for category images.



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